‘Soul of a Beast’, directed by Lorenz Merz with Pablo Caprez in the leading role, was shown on Saturday, March 5, 2022 at the Silverspot Cinema in Miami Downtown. ‘Soul of a Beast’ is a love story, a pulsating affair set in a crumbling urban world and following a delirious summer rush.
After the film screening and a Q&A session that took place immediately after the showing at the cinema, both Lorenz Merz and Pablo Caprez joined the Swiss American Chamber of Commerce, Florida Chapter for a cocktail reception at the Cubaocho Art Cafe, one of the iconic landmarks in Little Havana, where art, music, dance, cigars and mojitos converge.
We would like to say thank you to the management of Cubaocho who were extremely forthcoming in hosting us and making us feel at home. We would also like to thank Pablo and Lorenz for being such nice guests of honor.